MNC Job opening in India: A well known, wold-class Software firm IBM is hiring Freshers of 2012 and 2013 pass-outs. This is absolutely an employee referral program. Here we are providing you the complete details, that is related to IBM referral recruitment 2014.

IBM referral
IBM Referral interview Details:
- Post name: Software Engineer Trainee
- Company name: IBM (International Business Machine)
- Job location: Jobs in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune OR Across India
- Education qualification: B.E/B.Tech, MCA, M.Tech OR all major degrees related to Computer science.
- Eligibility: 2012 & 2013 Freshers
- Salary: Best in the Industry.
- Interview mode: Referral interview.
- SEE: All Fresher Jobs
IBM Referral Job in detail:
An American based Multinational company is providing an unusual opportunity for Indian folks like 2012 & 2013 Graduates. An interview mode will be a referral interview. So the IBM’s in-persons have to refer their friends and nearer to the company. Obviously their main motto is to improve productivity. Here we have come-up with an opportunity for you guys. That is we are here to refer you to achieve this biggest opportunity.
The job aspirants have to follow few simple steps apply online,
- Update your Resume / CV.
- Send your resume to [email protected].
- That’s it.
Note: The concern person’s name: Logesh. He works for IBM India. Feel free to forward your CV’s ASAP. All the very best.
IBM Interview Materials:
- IBM Company profile - A glance.
- IBM previous placement papers
- Aptitude test questions and Answers
- How to Improve English Fluency?