ECE mini project download: Bluetooth based data logger is a mini project for Electronics students. Final year diploma/polytechnic students [DECE] can use this Electronics abstract for their academics project. This DECE project’s design is based on AVR Microcontroller ATMega 32 circuit. This projects block diagram and circuit diagram are available in the downloadable document.
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Bluetooth data logger Diagram
- Title: Bluetooth based data logger
- Domain: Microcontroller based projects
- Category: ECE mini projects download
The BLUETOOTH based ECE project is the process of gathering data via sensors, analysis and output with use of a computer system. Data logger methodology is all about analyzing the computers data collecting process.
Bluetooth based project idea is used to create an application for monitoring certain parameters such as temperature data, sound intensity data, pressure data, humidity data, light intensity data, force and more. For developing these application components like sensors, Bluetooth devices and Microcontroller are used to provide the final output. The proposed system is used to monitor all those parameters regularly.
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