C program for using multiple functions at once. This C source code has,
- Factorial numbers,
- Prime number or not,
- Armstrong number or not,
- Strong number or not,
- & Palindrome or not.
All above functions are combined as one program. Code is given below.
This C program is used find five type of output values for a given input. Those 5 functions are factorial, prime number or not, Armstrong number or not, number is strong or not and given value is palindrome or not. It calculates the values and display output by choosing switch case. For example if we select one for factorial then two for prime number or not and likewise.
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C Source Code:
//Header files section #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void menu(); //global variable int facto(int); int isP(int); int isA(int); int isS(int); int isPalin(int); void main() { //Program variables int ce,nm; while(1) //Unconditional statement { clrscr(); // © http://students3k.com menu(); printf("\n Choose Your choice :"); //Display function scanf("%d",&ce); //Getting input fuction if(ce == 6) //Conditional statement exit(0); printf("Enter the number : "); scanf("%d",&nm); switch(ce)//Switch statement { case 1: printf("factorial(%d) = %d",num,facto(nm)); break; case 2: if(isP(nm)) { printf("%d is a prime number",nm); } else { printf("%d is not a prime number",nm); } break; case 3: if(isA(nm)) { printf("%d is a armstrong number",nm); } else { printf("%d is not a armstrong number",nm); } break; case 4: if(isS(nm)) { printf("%d is a strong number",nm); } else { printf("%d is not a strong number",nm); } break; case 5: if(isP(nm)) { printf("%d is a palindrome number",nm); } else { printf("%d is not a palindrome number",nm); } break; case 6: exit(0); default: printf("Invalid option"); } getch(); } } void menu() { printf("\n\n\t ******* MENU ********\n\n"); printf("\n1. Factorial \n"); printf("\n2. Prime number or not \n"); printf("\n3. Armstrong number or not \n"); printf("\n4. Strong number or not \n"); printf("\n5. Palindrome or not \n"); printf("\n6.EXIT"); } // © http://students3k.com int facto(int num) { int fact=1; while(num>=1) { fact *= num; num--; } return fact; } int isP(int num) { return 1; } int isA(int num) { return 1; } int isS(int num) { return 1; } int isP(int num) { return 1; }