C Program : Reverse number and check whether the number is palindrome or not by using unconditional statements.
Palindrome in C:
A palindrome is a method, which is used to reverse the given numbers. If we reverse a palindrome number, it will not change and it won’t give any other meaning. For example 212, 343, 13431, -525, -767 are palindrome numbers.
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For finding a given number is palindrome or not,
- Initially we have to reverse it,
- Then compare the given number with the original palindrome number,
- If both are same then number is palindrome else not.
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Here is a C program for finding a palindrome number. The C source code is given below.
/* Title: Palindrome Author: Vinoth Selvaraj © http://students3k.com */ //Header files #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { //Program variables int cnt,temp,vslue,value1,pow=1,value2=1,sum=0; clrscr(); //Function to clear the previous output printf("Enter the number : "); //Display function scanf("%d",&value); //Getting input function temp=number; // method of reverse number while(value>0) //unconditional statement { value/=10; if(value>0) pow++; } Value=temp; value1=value%10; while(value>0) { value=value/10; value2=value1*10+sum; sum=value%10; } printf("%d ",value2); getch(); }