In India education loans are provided by most of the aspiring students who are willing to get graduation or post graduation abroad. The education loan may help to meet the expenditure of college fee, book fee and lot of others. However there are various requirements which need some extra money. So the best idea is………………? Part time job. This article shows you various points which must be considered when opting for a part time job when studying abroad.
Some of the factors which the student should keep in mind while looking for a part time job are:
- A student can opt for on-campus, off-campus and intern programs while studying abroad. So one must weigh one’s talent while selecting jobs among it. If the student is academically sound then he/she can opt for on-campus jobs. The students will be getting an opportunity to work along with their professors with their projects.
- Internship programs are also available. Mostly these programs are for three months where the student can get lot of exposure and training.
- If the student is looking for off-campus jobs he/she must look for local job sites in the foreign countries. Then the student can select their part time job according to one’s own convenience.
- There are certain rules and regulations framed by countries for students when they work part time. For example in United States the students who are the students are allowed to works up to 20 hours per week during semesters and during holidays they can work up to 40 hours per week. In Australia the students can work up to 20 hours per week during semesters and as many hours during the holidays. The number of hours permissible to work part time varies from different countries. So a student who is studying abroad must be very careful while looking for a part time job and also ensure that he/she is working legally by withstanding the norms framed by the foreign countries.
Read: Best Universities to Study Abroad [US,UK & Canada]
While working part time there is various points should be considered and they are as follows:
- Time management, this is one of the major things for a student who is studying as well as working parallel. Earning while learning sounds good but by the same time the student should be able to balance work life as well academics well. So one must take care of oneself by the same time allocate time according for their studies as well.
- The student must also have time for fun and recreational activities. The student must not be fully occupied with studies or part time job at the week end. He/she must find time to make oneself feel relaxed.
There are various advantages in working part time while studying abroad is:
- The students may have a chance to mingle with the people of the foreign country and get along with them.
The students may have chance to learn foreign language and also they can manage their own expenditure other than studies while studying abroad.