PHP source code download for online hotel reservation system: This PHP & MySql project is also called as online hotel booking system. This simple application automates the process of room booking in a particular hotel though online. This application can increase the sales and revenue of a Hotel. It partially provides the time saving option […]
CSE - IT Engineering Projects
Latest project downloads for CSE/IT engineering students.Projects contains source code,documents.B.E B.Tech Students can customize for their own purpose. Feel free to download.
Free students project in PHP: Internal marks evaluation system
PHP projects: Internal marks evaluation system for schools or colleges. It is a free student project written in PHP open source language. It will automate the particular student’s internal marks calculation. Lecturers/instructors are no need to spend their time to do these marks calculation in manual. PHP source code itself has a solution for this. […]
Higher Education Loan Management System: ASP.NET Projects source code download
ASP.NET Projects source code download on Higher Education Loan Management System. This final year project is a free downloadable material and it can be used for all kinds of Engineering, MCA and Diploma CS - IT Students. [SEE: IT Related Abroad Studies] & [Bike Back Wordings] ASP.NET Projects Abstract: Project Title : Students Loan Management System […]
VB.NET Projects free download: Financial Management System
VB.NET Projects free download: This project titled as a “Financial Management System” which keep the day by day count history as a financial system. It can keep the details of Saving deposits, loan details, and also handled it. The interesting part of this financial system is, It shows the day guide, Benefit and Loss Account […]
Facebook like Chat Application Project download with Java source code
Java Project Title: Facebook like Chat application in Java, Source code Language : Core Java project, Cost : Free Download Learn & Practice Aptitude Facebook Chat Projects Intro: Facebook like Chat application is an online system created for the number of members to connect with each other over the world wide web. This project resolves […]