Customer complaints, Claims and Adjustment letters

Customer complaints, Claims, and Adjustment letters

In any business there will be some mishaps and mistakes. Every time it is not possible that you received good products. And if you are not satisfied with goods you can make a complaint to seller for particular reason. It should be done immediately. A buyer may complaint about following reasons:

  1. Poor quality of goods. Improper quantity of goods.
  2. Goods arriving late.
  3. Goods arriving in changed position.
  4. Defective packing.
  5. Goods differing from sample.
  6. Higher price.
  7. Mistake in bill.
  8. Poor service, discourtesy shown by staff.
  9. Reminders for payments.
  10. Goods delivered to wrong place.
  11. Poor after sales service.

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The purpose of complaint letter is not to start quarrel but to point out mistakes. The tone of this letter should be firm but polite. The letter should provide full details such as 1) the date and time of order and delivery 2) the nature and quality of goods ordered 3) details of what exactly went wrong and where. This letter must be genuine one. The letter should firmly demand an adjustment of the complaint and if possible specify the manner in which such an adjustment to be made.

  • Don’t use insulting language.
  • Avoid any show of anger or sarcasm.
  • Don’t give advice to seller about what to do.

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Adjustment policies and Adjustment letter:

The reply of buyer’s complaint letter is known as adjustment letter. The reply should be sent immediately by seller that the complaint has being investigated. The main purpose of this letter is to gain faith, confidence and goodwill which have been lost.

There are some adjustment policies adopted by seller which are as under:

1) “Buyer Beware”:

It points out very politely that the complaint has no remedy. However polite the language, this policy is highly dangerous one to follow for in the long run it is certain to result in the loss of goodwill and customers. This policy means a refusal to adjust. Company should try give soft answer and try to convince the complaint.

2) “ The customer is always right”:

It means to proceed to all complaints that come in and make it a point to settle all claims. This policy is adopted by firms that deal with highly priced goods and luxury articles like electronic goods, TV sets, pianos, AC etc. This policy maintains goodwill and faith of customer.

3) “Fair claim, fair adjustment”:

It is best and the most widely accepted policy. Each complaint is judged on its merits. If the claim is fair one, immediate adjustment follows. If it is unjustified then the claim is refused. This policy suits the small businessman.