Data structures important questions and answers: This section covers the “Linear structures”. Simple exam questions are given with the decent solutions. It can be used for Engineering CSE or IT students and all computer related students.
Linear structures
Small Q&A’s: 2 Marks
1) What is a data structure?
Data structure is a way of organizing, storing and retrieving data and their relationship with each other.
- Operating system
- Expert system
- Database management system
- Compiler system
- Statistical &numerical analysis
- Network analysis.
2) What is modularity?
In programming, each program can be broken down into several modules; each module is a logical unit and does a specific job. These modules are which in turn call another module.
3) What are the advantages of modules?
- Modules can be combined separately which makes the debugging process easier.
- Several modules can be implemented and executed simultaneously.
- Modules can be easily enhanced.
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4) What is ADT?
- ADT is the expansion of abstract data type.
- It is an extension of modularity
- It is used for set operations such as insertion, union, compliment, find, delete..
5) What is the basic idea of implementing ADT?
The basic idea of implementing ADT is that the operations which are written once in the programme can be called in any part of the programme.
6) Write the classification of data structures.
a) Primitive data structure+
- Float
- Int
- Char
- Pointer
b) Non primitive data structure
1) Linear data structure
- Stack
- Queue
- Linked list
2) Nonlinear data structure
- Trees
- Graphs
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7) List the various operations performed on list
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Find
- Find next
- Find previous
- Print list
- Make empty
8)List the various disadvantages of array implementation of list ADT.
- Insertion and deletion operations are expensive as it requires more data movement
- Find and print list operations takes constant time
- Even if the array is dynamically allocated an estimate of the maximum size of list is required which considerably wastes the memory space.
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9) Merits and demerits of doubly linked list
- Deletion operation is easier.
- Finding the predecessor and successor of a node is easier.
- More memory space is required since it has two pointers.
10) What are the applications of linked list?
- Radix sort
- Multi list
- Polynomial ADT
11) What is stack in ADT?
A stack is a linear data structure which follows LIFO (Last in first out) principle. In stack ADT both insertion and deletion occur at only one end of the list which is called the TOP.
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12) What do you mean by PUSH operation?
The process of inserting a new element is to the top of the stack. For any PUSH operation the TOP is incremented by ‘1’. They are also called input operations.
13)What do you mean by POP operation?
The process of deleting an element from the top of the stack is called POP operation. After every POP operation, the top pointer is decremented by ‘1’. They are also called output operations which delete the most recently inserted elements.