Glaucoma definition, Types of Glaucoma and Management

Glaucoma: Topic covers the following details,

  • Glaucoma definition,
  • Types of glaucoma,
  • Aetiology,
  • Clinical manifestations,
  • Pathophysiology,
  • Clinical manifestations,
  • Assessment and diagnostic studies,
  • Glaucoma Management


Glaucoma Definition:

It is the group of eye disorders characterized by

- An increase in intra ocular pressure and the complications of the high IOP,

- Optic nerve atrophy,

- Loss of vision.


- An elevated intra ocular pressure (IOP)

- Imbalance between the aqueous humour production and its reabsorption.

Glaucoma Types:

  • Open- angle glaucoma:

It is usually bilateral. It is of three types. They are as follows,

- Chronic open- angle glaucoma (COAG):

It is a chronic condition caused as a result of trabecular meshwork obstruction. Has fluctuating IOP, visual defects and damage of the optic nerve.

- Normal tension glaucoma :

IOP<= 21 mm hg, damage of the optic nerve, vision problems

- Ocular hypertension:

Increased IOP, eye pain, headache.

  • Angle-closure glaucoma:

It occurs because of the obstruction in the outflow of the aqueous humour.

- Acute-angle closure glaucoma(AACG):

Visual impairment, eye pain, hyperemia of the conjunctiva, nausea, vomiting, decreased heart rate, edema of the cornea.

- Subacute angle- closure glaucoma:

Transient vision blurring, halos around lights, headaches.

- Chronic angle-closure glaucoma:

Glaucomatous cupping, loss of visual field, high or normal IOP, eye pain, headache.

  • Congenital glaucoma:

It is an abnormal development of the angle of filtration which occurs secondary to other disorders.


Obstruction in the outflow of the aqueous humour


Improper balance between production and reabsorption of the aqueous humour


Accumulation of aqueous humour


Increase IOP


If not controlled


Optic nerve damage


Vision impairment.

Clinical manifestations:

  • IOP more than 24 mm Hg.
  • Gradual loss of vision.
  • Loss of peripheral vision before central visual loss.
  • Tunnel vision.
  • Dull eye pain – severe eye pain.
  • Difficulty in dark adaptation.
  • Inability to detect colour changes.
  • Enlarged pupils.
  • Red eye.
  • Coloured lights around the halos.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Permanent blindness if elevated IOP for more than 24 – 48 hours.
  • Enlarged eye.
  • Lacrimation.
  • Photophobia.
  • Blepharospasm.

Assessment and diagnostic studies:

  • History collection.
  • Physical examination.
  • Measuring visual acuity.
  • Tonomery.
  • Tonography.
  • Ophthalmoscopy.
  • Gonioscopy
  • Fundus photography.

Related: Cataract definition, Types of cataract and Management

Glaucoma Management:

  • Medical management:

- Miotics : to constrict the pupils. Eg , cholinergics, pilocarpine HCL.

- Cholinesterase inhibitors: it constricts the ciliary muscle and the sphincter of the iris. Eg, physiostigmine.

- Adrenergic antagonists: it helps to reduce the production of the aqueous humour.Eg, betaxolol.

- Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor: it’s used to reduce the aqueous humour production. Eg, diamox.

- Osmotic agents: it helps to remove the water from the intraocular structures. Eg, glycerine.

- Prostaglandin agonists: it increases the outflow of the aqueous humour. Eg, latanoprost.

  • Surgical management:

- Argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT).

- Trabeculoplasty with or without filtering implant.

- Cyclotherapy destruction of the ciliary body.

- Laser iridotomy.

- Surgical iridotomy.

  • Nursing management:

- The nurse protects the patient’s eye with eye shield or patch.

- Promote comfort of the patient’s eye.

- Assessment of the IOP.

- Administration of cycloplegics, mydriate and a combination of antibiotic and steroids.

- Supports selfcare of the patient.

- Education to the family and to the patient.