Glaucoma definition, Types of Glaucoma and Management

Glaucoma: Topic covers the following details, Glaucoma definition, Types of glaucoma, Aetiology, Clinical manifestations, Pathophysiology, Clinical manifestations, Assessment and diagnostic studies, Glaucoma Management GLAUCOMA Glaucoma Definition: It is the group of eye disorders characterized by - An increase in intra ocular pressure and the complications of the high IOP, - Optic nerve atrophy, - Loss […]

Cataract definition, Types of cataract and Management

Cataract: Topic covers the following details, Cataract definition, Types of cataract, Aetiology, Cataract risk factors, Pathophysiology, Clinical manifestations, Assessment and diagnostic studies, Cataract Management CATARACT Definition: It is defined as the clouding or opaqueness of the lens or the loss of transparency in the lens. Aetiology: Penetrating blunt injury. Congenital causes like maternal rubella. UV […]

Ophthalmology Assessment of the visual system

MEDICAL AND SURGICAL NURSING OPHTHALMOLOGY ASSESSMENT OF THE VISUAL SYSTEM A complete visual examination includes the following, Patient interview (history collection). Physical examination. Other diagnostic tests uniquely for the eye. a.) History collection:- The nurse can assess the patient by concentrating on the following issues, Patient’s recent changes in visual acuity. Usage of glasses or […]